Welcome to
New - 1921 Census Normanby Parish
(see Genealogy)
A small village in
Ryedale consisting of not many people at all, so please do not expect
this site to go down in the Guinness book of records for content! The
first posting of this site was on February 14th 2002 and it is hoped that
over a period of time we shall be able to, with the help of others, build a
web presence about our small village for the whole wide world to see.
Over the coming years it is
hoped the pages of this site will expand and discover the many events and
aspects of past village life throughout history. I intend to elaborate on
many of the inhabitants and characters who have over time helped to make our
village history.
Please be patient as the site
develops, if you have any items of interest and would like them included
please use the feedback link provided, please do not send any attachments,
documents or pictures at this stage.

Location map

Normanby from the air 1978, looking North
©Alan Smith